What’s happening at 911tabs.com

Critical bugfix

Hey all,

Only yesterday I noticed that there are a lot of users who enter URLs like:
And got 404 error, because of next bug: the "=" symbol at the end of URLs.

Hopefully, we have just fixed it!

Black boy meme

Languages support

For a long time 911Tabs was Eng. oriented only and there was no option to search on your native language.

But several weeks ago we've updated our search engine algorithms and language support.

911tabs search on spanish language

So, now you can easily find all (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russain, etc.) tabs you need!

Futurama meme


Survey results

Several days ago we made a survey to know a little bit about our users and here are some results:

It's interesting that 33.3% of our users can not play barre chords:
911tabs user servey: barre chords
Being begginer I actually couldn't play barre chords either.  So, you should practice more and your hands will become stronger with time.
Here are some tips to skill up guitar:

Check this site to master your guitar skills.

A half of our users just want to play songs. Other 42% want to learn tabs. 8% play tabs in their bands - great job guys. And only 2.1% want to impress smb with their preformance.
911tabs servey: why do users find tabs?

Another great opening for us is that 73% hold guitars when browsing 911tabs. So, we thought: "hey, a lot of users hold guitar. They definitly need to tune it." So, we'll add tuner soon.
911tabs servey: hold guitar

Feedbacks are awesome

Ok, so here is great users' feedback compilation:

1. I have no idea who is your designer but please fired him. I am sure he/she has some hormonal issues + a medical condition in his/her eyes (possible problem: blindness).

2. Holy shit I love the new flat design, good job 911tabs.

3. You guys totally f***ed up this website with this new layout. It does not function well, songs are harder to find because shit isn't alphabetical order, and its less friendly to the browsers than your old format that worked perfectly fine. You fixed something that wasn't broke.......

4. I love your site!! specially by the simplicity.

5. Well, this was my Favourite Site for Tabs etc. Now it just sucks. Sorry Dudes, but please go back to the roots!!!

6. I didn't visit the site for some time, and wow... the new design is really awesome, it looks modern and works so good that when I saw the feedback button I just could not resist! Good job!

7. The new design looks awesome. Even on mobile. Only the VERY sticky ultimate guitar ads are a bit annoying. Besides that. Great job!

8. I just figured I'd let you all know I, as a regular site-goer, really love the new look. I'm a hobby guitarist who is constantly looking up tabs for a quick learn, and the upgrade is definitely welcome. It's sleek, modern, flat, hip, and you guys really did a great job with the revamp. Keep it up! I've used the site for quite a long time now and I'd love to have it as a permanent resource!

That feeling when users love new design

911tabs alternative reality

Internet changes and so does 911tabs.

In 2013 we made 911tabs redesign, but what were the options? Skeuomorphic, Flat, WEB 2.0, etc?

We took Flat design:

1) power-saving on mobile devices

2) adaptive layout (hope you enjoy mobile view)

3) simple and clean

Ok, we've started from drawing prototypes:
911tabs prototype

911tabs prototype

Yeap, prototypes were great, so next step was color them :)

911tabs colored prototype

Then we thought about color assosiation with different instrument types:

911tabs prototype
But it's not that easy to remember and always associate colors with types, moreover with adding new types page would have lots of colors.

At that moment our designer started to play with background:

911tabs colored prototype

But images would only distract your attention from tabs. Next great idea was: two columns and icons:

911tabs prototype

As we could not find images for all artists we decided to fill rows with color like Windows 8 Metro style:

911tabs prototype: metro style

911tabs prototype: metro style

And now you see why we did not took yellow or green colors. They are awful! So, 911tabs was colored in Coral. It wasn't fast solution, take a look more about brand colors.

We started to work on authentication in old desing:

911tabs registration form prototype

911tabs registration form prototype

911tabs registration form animated prototype

But the biggest discussion was held on tab layout:

911tabs tab layout prototype
911tabs tab layout prototype

How to make great artist page?
911tabs tab layout prototype

911tabs tab layout prototype

911tabs tab layout prototype

We have a lot of feedbacks about Artist page. Here how it was look like:

911tabs artist page prototype

And after redesign:

911tabs artist page prototype

Every cell contains number of tabs for a song in a row, and is clickable.

Redesign was hard but great process, which took 2 months for our team.

Thanks for positive and negative feedbacks:
1. "On the ancient version, I could see 30 tabs at the same time on a page like this (http://www.911tabs.com/tabs/d/david_bowie/watch_that_man_tab.htm#). Now, it's bigger, while I don't think the previous version was hiding any information."
2. "it's a beautiful style and nice and clean, the only disadvantage is that one must scrallen anymore, thus the writing is larger,"
3. "The new layout is seemingly more feature filled, but is harder to read through larger amounts of information, such as lists of tabs. everything seems too big and spaced apart."
4. "I like the new site layout, it's much cleaner than the old one. Good work."
5. "i have no idea who is your designer but please fired him. i am sure he/she has some hormonal issues + a medical condition in his/her eyes (possible problem: blindness). Really you are better, way better than this."

Thanks all!

We are always want your feedbacks, so contact us.