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Be smart!
Don't use Google for searching tabs.
Google search Metallica One
You always need to type more or click on unuseful dropdown suggestions.
We don't blame Google, it has lots of data, but we have what you want.
Google search Metallica One Tabs
What does the Google suggestion do? Actually, it just puts words you have not typed into search box and shows "relevant" results...
Bad Search Result
...but you might not get what you want: too difficilt tab, capo on 3fr?, not a standard tuning, not the best rating and so on.
Google search Metallica One Bass Tab
It's not good to waste your time typing, searching, clicking instead of learning the tablature.
Fasten your searching experience
911Tabs search
Actually you just need to type only One (instead of 3 words) and click on suggestion to...
911Tabs song page
...get right on the song page with tabs sorted by our community.
911Tabs search result
Quick filter, handy type navigation, capo on/off (soon), tuning (soon) are only 1 click far!
911Tabs can save you up to
hours a month just on searching tabs
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