911tabsBands - AA Place To Bury Strangers chords & tabsAdd to favorites46tabs 2,329views sep 13, 2016last updated
Ive Lived My Life To Stand In The Shadow Of Your Heart5 tabs:3—2—————In Your Heart3 tabs:—2—————1To Fix The Gash In Your Head3 tabs:2—1—————Ocean3 tabs:3———————Ive Lived My Life To Stand In The Shadow Of Your Hear3 tabs:3———————All tabsDeadbeat1 tabs:——1—————Dont Think Lover4 tabs:4———————Everything Always Goes Wrong2 tabs:—1—————1Everything Goes Wrong1 tabs:—1——————In Your Heart3 tabs:—2—————1It Is Nothing4 tabs:3—1—————Ive Lived My Life To Stand In The Shadow Of Your Hear3 tabs:3———————Ive Lived My Life To Stand In The Shadow Of Your Heart5 tabs:3—2—————Keep Slipping Away2 tabs:1—1—————Mind Control1 tabs:——1—————Missing You1 tabs:——1—————Never Going Down3 tabs:3———————Ocean3 tabs:3———————Smile When You Smile1 tabs:——1—————So Far Away4 tabs:1—3—————Straight1 tabs:——1—————To Fix The Gash In Your Head3 tabs:2—1—————You Are The One2 tabs:2———————