911tabsBands - AArcade Fire chords & tabsAdd to favorites733tabs 25,084views jan 24, 2017last updated
The Suburbs18 tabs:1313————1Wake Up22 tabs:16—6—————My Body Is A Cage10 tabs:81—————1Ready To Start18 tabs:15—3—————Suburban War35 tabs:2914————1All tabsWasted Hours4 tabs:4———————We Exist4 tabs:2—2—————Well And The Lighthouse13 tabs:111—————1Well And The Lighthouse Acoustic3 tabs:3———————We Used To Wait10 tabs:10———————Windowsill10 tabs:10———————Winter For A Year4 tabs:4———————Women Of A Certain Age1 tabs:1———————Woodland National Anthem7 tabs:7———————You Already Know8 tabs:6—2—————1234