911tabsBands - AAvenged Sevenfold chords & tabsAdd to favorites3,660tabs 229,420views jan 26, 2017last updated
So Far Away73 tabs:5465——6—2Dear God77 tabs:461310——332Afterlife95 tabs:431318111045Nightmare82 tabs:46159—2226Seize The Day104 tabs:66119——6210All tabsUnholy Confessions Live4 tabs:31——————Unholy Confessions - Waking The Fallen1 tabs:1———————Until The End23 tabs:1544—————Until The End Acoustic6 tabs:6———————Unwind The Chainsaw7 tabs:7———————Victim29 tabs:1673———21Waking The Fallen26 tabs:1238——2—1Waking The Fallen Ressurected2 tabs:11——————Waking The Fallen Resurrected1 tabs:—1——————Walk18 tabs:734——112Walking The Fallen2 tabs:—2——————Warmness Of The Soul3 tabs:3———————Warmness On The Soul62 tabs:31710——527Warmness On The Soul Acoustic9 tabs:9———————We Come Out At Night29 tabs:1027——514Welcome To The Family32 tabs:1385——123Welcome To The Farmily Live1 tabs:—1——————The Wicked End39 tabs:14108———34Wicked End Theme1 tabs:—1——————Yan1 tabs:———————1Zacky Vs Surprise Song7 tabs:7———————1234567