911tabsBands - BBruce Cockburn chords & tabsAdd to favorites578tabs 4,621views sep 26, 2016last updated
Sunrise On The Mississippi16 tabs:16———————If I Had A Rocket Launcher19 tabs:171—————1Wondering Where The Lions Are20 tabs:19—————1—The Coldest Night Of The Year18 tabs:17—————1—Pacing The Cage14 tabs:14———————All tabsThoughts On A Rainy Afternoon3 tabs:3———————Tie Me At The Crossroads1 tabs:1———————Tokyo16 tabs:16———————To Raise A Morning Star1 tabs:1———————Train In The Rain16 tabs:16———————Waiting For The Moon16 tabs:16———————When You Give It Away1 tabs:1———————The Whole Night Sky17 tabs:17———————Wondering Where The Lions Are20 tabs:19—————1—World Of Wonders Acoustic1 tabs:1———————You Point To The Sky16 tabs:16———————123