911tabsBands - CCharlie Landsborough chords & tabsAdd to favorites36tabs 719views jun 15, 2015last updated
What Color Is The Wind3 tabs:3———————Long And Heavy Chain4 tabs:4———————Who Can Blame Him7 tabs:7———————Shine Your Light3 tabs:3———————I Still Cant Say Goodbye3 tabs:3———————All tabsDown To Earth3 tabs:3———————I Still Cant Say Goodbye3 tabs:3———————Long And Heavy Chain4 tabs:4———————Once Bitten Twice Shy1 tabs:1———————Shine Your Light3 tabs:3———————Special4 tabs:4———————What Color Is The Wind3 tabs:3———————What Colour Is The Wind4 tabs:4———————When Youre Not A Dream4 tabs:4———————Who Can Blame Him7 tabs:7———————