911tabsBands - CChurch Of Misery chords & tabsAdd to favorites14tabs 1,402views sep 12, 2016last updated
Candyman Dean Corll4 tabs:4———————El Padrino1 tabs:—1——————Ripping Into Pieces Peter Sutcliffe1 tabs:———————1Murder Company Henry Lee Lucas1 tabs:———————1Candyman1 tabs:1———————All tabsBtk1 tabs:1———————Candyman1 tabs:1———————Candyman Dean Corll4 tabs:4———————El Padrino1 tabs:—1——————Green River2 tabs:—1—————1Murder Company1 tabs:—1——————Murder Company Henry Lee Lucas1 tabs:———————1Ripping Into Pieces1 tabs:—1——————Ripping Into Pieces Peter Sutcliffe1 tabs:———————1Road To Ruin1 tabs:1———————