911tabsBands - FFlorence + The Machine chords & tabsAdd to favorites20tabs 32views oct 28, 2016last updated
Shake It Out Trio1 tabs:———————1All tabsBedroom Hymns1 tabs:1———————Donkey Kosh1 tabs:1———————Flakes1 tabs:1———————Hospital Beds2 tabs:2———————Long And Lost2 tabs:11——————Only Love Can Break Your Heart1 tabs:1———————Queen Of Peace1 tabs:——1—————Shake It Out Trio1 tabs:———————1Ship To Wreck2 tabs:1—1—————Times Like These Live1 tabs:1———————Too Much Is Never Enough1 tabs:1———————Wish That You Were Here2 tabs:2———————Youve Got The Love1 tabs:—1——————