911tabsBands - MMills Brothers chords & tabsAdd to favorites47tabs 1,659views jan 29, 2017last updated
You Always Hurt The One You Love8 tabs:8———————Up The Lazy River9 tabs:9———————Yellow Bird4 tabs:4———————Smoke Rings3 tabs:3———————Glow Worm4 tabs:4———————All tabsDaddys Little Girl3 tabs:3———————Glow Worm4 tabs:4———————If I Had My Way4 tabs:4———————Moanin For You4 tabs:4———————Nevertheless Im In Love With You1 tabs:1———————Queen Of The Senior Prom3 tabs:3———————Smoke Rings3 tabs:3———————Up The Lazy River9 tabs:9———————Yellow Bird4 tabs:4———————You Always Hurt The One You Love8 tabs:8———————Youll Always Hurt The Ones You Love3 tabs:3———————