911tabsBands - MMississippi Fred Mcdowell chords & tabsAdd to favorites15tabs 4,417views sep 13, 2016last updated
You Got To Move2 tabs:—1————1—When I Lay My Burden Down4 tabs:4———————Highway 611 tabs:1———————Freds Worried Life Blues3 tabs:3———————Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burnin1 tabs:——————1—All tabsFreds Worried Life Blues3 tabs:3———————Going Down To The River1 tabs:1———————Highway 611 tabs:1———————Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burnin1 tabs:——————1—When I Lay My Burden Down4 tabs:4———————Write Me A Few Of Your Lines3 tabs:3———————You Got To Move2 tabs:—1————1—