911tabsBands - PPapa Roach chords & tabsAdd to favorites2,933tabs 52,124views jan 03, 2017last updated
Last Resort203 tabs:1012347——16511Scars83 tabs:461116——523No Matter What35 tabs:2734————1Hollywood Whore33 tabs:1654——413Between Angels And Insects194 tabs:1062247——1216All tabsTyranny Or Normality3 tabs:3———————Walking Dead4 tabs:3—1—————Walking Through Barbed Wire26 tabs:21—2——1—2Walking Through Barb Wire4 tabs:4———————Walking Thru Barbed Wire37 tabs:2076———22Warriors1 tabs:1———————What Do You Do13 tabs:813————1Whats Left Of Me1 tabs:1———————Where Did The Angels Go10 tabs:73——————White Light4 tabs:—4——————World Around You13 tabs:633————11234567