Just Another Day In Paradise6 tabs:6———————Love Is A Beautiful Thing1 tabs:1———————Carlene4 tabs:4———————Last Day Of My Life7 tabs:7———————Thats When I Love You4 tabs:4———————All tabsAmazing Grace5 tabs:5———————American Child4 tabs:4———————Bye Bye4 tabs:4———————Carlene4 tabs:4———————Didnt You Know Shes Gone4 tabs:4———————Dont Miss Your Life3 tabs:3———————For A Little While4 tabs:4———————Ill Take That As A Yes4 tabs:4———————Im Alright3 tabs:3———————In A Real Love2 tabs:2———————Just Another Day In Paradise6 tabs:6———————Last Day Of My Life7 tabs:7———————Like I Never Loved Before4 tabs:4———————Little Red Rodeo4 tabs:4———————Love Is A Beautiful Thing1 tabs:1———————Lucky As Me4 tabs:4———————Nothing Without You4 tabs:4———————Rose Boquet4 tabs:4———————Rose Bouquet3 tabs:3———————Six-pack Summer4 tabs:4———————Somewhere In Between4 tabs:4———————Thats When I Love You4 tabs:4———————This Is God4 tabs:4———————Woman In My Life4 tabs:4———————