911tabsBands - RRandy Crawford chords & tabsAdd to favorites32tabs 2,130views sep 12, 2016last updated
Street Life4 tabs:3—1—————You Might Need Somebody8 tabs:61—————1Almaz5 tabs:5———————The Captain Of Her Heart3 tabs:3———————One Day Ill Fly Away3 tabs:3———————All tabsAlmaz5 tabs:5———————The Captain Of Her Heart3 tabs:3———————Fallen Duet Presuntos Implicados3 tabs:3———————He Reminds Me4 tabs:4———————One Day Ill Fly Away3 tabs:3———————People Alone1 tabs:1———————Street Life4 tabs:3—1—————Windsong1 tabs:1———————You Might Need Somebody8 tabs:61—————1