911tabsBands - TTexas Tornados chords & tabsAdd to favorites35tabs 1,084views sep 27, 2016last updated
Hey Baby Que Paso4 tabs:4———————A Little Bit Is Better Than Nada4 tabs:4———————Is Anyone Going To San Antone8 tabs:8———————Whore Were You Thinking Of4 tabs:4———————Adios Mexico3 tabs:3———————All tabsAdios Mexico3 tabs:3———————Dinero1 tabs:1———————Four Aces4 tabs:4———————Guacamole2 tabs:2———————Hey Baby Que Paso4 tabs:4———————If Thats What Youre Thinking1 tabs:1———————Is Anyone Going To San Antone8 tabs:8———————A Little Bit Is Better Than Nada4 tabs:4———————One I Love The Most3 tabs:3———————Whore Were You Thinking Of4 tabs:4———————Who Were You Thinking Of1 tabs:1———————