Fruit Salad2 tabs:——2—————Rock-a-bye Your Bear3 tabs:3———————Dorothy The Dinosaur4 tabs:4———————Taba Naba3 tabs:3———————Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep On His Pirate Ship Quack Quack4 tabs:4———————All tabsCaptain Feathersword Fell Asleep On His Pirate Ship1 tabs:1———————Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep On His Pirate Ship Quack Quack4 tabs:4———————Dorothy The Dinosaur4 tabs:4———————Fruit Salad2 tabs:——2—————Georgias Song4 tabs:4———————Hot Potato3 tabs:3———————I Climb Ten Stairs3 tabs:3———————A Naba1 tabs:1———————Rock-a-bye Your Bear3 tabs:3———————Taba Naba3 tabs:3———————Were The Cowboys4 tabs:4———————